Tuesday, 18 February 2014

HebatNya Pengaruh Rakan ^_^

Salamu Alaik ya akhi wa ukhti :P

Rakan? Ade ape pada 5 words ni?
hmmmm.. rakan

ade orang kata "carilah kawan yang baik, jangan kawan dengan orang yang tak semenggah"

for me? What are you mean by "tak semenggah?"
better define what is means by "tak semenggah"

for me, tiada istilah "tak semenggah" terhadap perangai kawan-II
yeeee..maybe their attitude is not the best attitude, but for me?

why? Why? can't we become friendly with these type of friends?
who knows we can change them?

turn over a new leaf? maybe ^_^
I'm not promise that...

but? all people can makes a change in their life...
they're also human..same as us?

why don't we give them "PELUANG"
Sometimes, i think that they want to change, but , because of the Nafs, and the Devil in theirselves!

They Can't~
I'm friendly to all people~

I don't care, where did they come from? are they rich? are they good?
are they beautiful?

That is not me!
I'm just to be the best among the best friends~

for me la kan, korang da besar, korang ade akal, Allah kurniakan akal..
so? tak kan la aku nak marah korang? Aku tarakkk hak nak marah korang~

If you think that is the best from you?
then? yess~ go on with your attitude~

if not? please change~ :')
I beg youuu~

"InnAllaha La Yughayyiru Ma Biqauman Hatta Yughayyiru Ma Bi Anfusihim"

Allah tak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum/hamba itu melainkan dye ubah dirinya sendiri..

you choose?
did you want to live with sin?
is that cool for you?

Yeah! sure,, maybe it is cool in this DUNYA!
what about your akhirat?

Did you prepare something for your akhirat?
It maybe DEEP into your heart~

but, If I can help you, I will!
In shaa Allah, I will~

I don't know what to said about you~
You're my friends~

Sometimes, you can be my true friends
but, sometimes I can see that you can be my true enemies...

hope you understand what i mean by "ENEMIES"
it is not the enemies that are fighting together~

It's about our heart~ ^_^

We Want that!
Allahumma Ya MuQollibal Qulub, Thabits Qulubana Ala Dinik, Wa Ala ToAtik ^_^

May Allah Ease Everything~
I will become more Dewasa maaaaa...
Life dewasaaa ni takut maaaa >_<

Assalamualaikum :D

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